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Little Pasta Organics product review

By 07:26

Sunday 19th April 2015 


 try and cook a family meal at least a couple of times a week. However - let's be real here - my daughter likes nothing better than pasta and more pasta.  Put it this way, her weekly menu can be somewhat limited! Luckily I've found pasta sauces from 'Little Pasta Organics' a real helping hand and what’s more they come in three different flavours. I believe they are the next best thing to a home-made sauce especially as there is no added salt and sugar. My daughter simply loves it and her parents do too! 

Little pasta organics can be purchased at Planet Organic, Ocado and Amazon.

Serves 2

300g Little pasta organics shells (for kids)
1 jar of little pasta organics spinach and red pepper sauce
Handful of cheddar cheese, grated
Corn on the cob (optional)

Cook the pasta according to instructions in a medium sized pan. Meanwhile steam the corn on the cob. When draining the pasta leave a bit of starchy water at the pan (helps to stop the pasta sticking together). Return the pan to the heat and pour over the pasta sauce for a minute. Stir well. Finally sprinkle cheese over the pasta and dot the corn on the cob with butter before serving. 

Total time (prep and cooking): 10 minutes.
Suitable for: Nine months plus, gluten and vegan free (without the added cheese).
Other meal ideas: Sauce also works well poured over Bionita gluten free gnocchi. 

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